Monday, August 18, 2008

David and Natalie's First Wedding January 2006

This is David and Natalie's first wedding in the Chapel at the Coast Guard Base.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nonna in Dallas Turns79

Marjorie Caterisano had a birthday party at Terry's and Susie's house. Everyone celebrated her birthday and the new baby Isabella. IMPORTANT NEWS!!!! We have a bass player now in the Caterisano family! Giovanni (a.k.a. Juanie, or John). Check out the photos for the Texas crowd.
There are photos of Donnie and his family, wife Judy and kids here are Rhiana and Alicia. Sarah Christine is seated with Nonna. Susie is the one with the green shirt and black hat.

Caterisano Family Tree

Terry sent me a Caterisano family tree. I presume it came from our mother. It's a pdf and it's in small focus. You'll have to enlarge to read. It goes way back. I'll have to send the pdf by email, because it's hard to put it in the blog.

Michael in Europe

Michael is visiting some Caterisanos in Como, Italy. Check out his blog where he has more photos and information.

He also visited our Dad's old friend from Dallas, Sergio, who Mike played with. You can hear some of it on YouTube. You might have to cut and paste the url in your browser.

Matt the Marine

This is Matt who is in training to go to Fallujah, Iraq. His grandfather, Ed was born in Bagdad, but Matt looks like another grandfather, once in the Air Force.

David and Natalie are Expecting

David and Natalie on vacation. She is due in October 2008. They are naming their male child Dominic.

New Baby in the Caterisano Family

Matthew Caterisano - A Marine all the Way

Matthew is on the top left side, you can tell he's a Caterisano as he looks like his grandfather, Donald, when he was young. He's going to Fallujah, Iraq in October and is hoping to keep up all posted on this blog.

Joseph Caterisano

This is Joe with a "girl" friend. Joe just recently came back from visiting Matt in California. He's come back to Texas all buff and ready to finish his senior year of high school.

The First Grandchild in this Generation

David and Natalie were the first to marry and the first to expect a child. Due in October, we can see in this photo, they're expecting a BOY! "Boys are nice too", Aunt Peggy once remarked. And so they are....

Monday, August 11, 2008


Note to everyone looking at this blog...the sequence is reversed, so look at it from the bottom up. I will send directions so that everyone else can add their pictures and notes and everyone can comment if they want anytime. It's about family participation. It's as good as we make it.

Hope everyone participates.

Going Home

We all left Ramsonville and Buffalo on Sunday morning. It took some families 15 hours to get home, but Terry won the prize. He didn't get home until 10pm on Monday night due to being delayed by bad weather, stranded in Buffalo and then Newark. He came away laughing because it was all worth it, he said.

Thank you Aunt Peggy and Uncle Richard for hosting a great Family Reunion.