Sunday, August 17, 2008

Nonna in Dallas Turns79

Marjorie Caterisano had a birthday party at Terry's and Susie's house. Everyone celebrated her birthday and the new baby Isabella. IMPORTANT NEWS!!!! We have a bass player now in the Caterisano family! Giovanni (a.k.a. Juanie, or John). Check out the photos for the Texas crowd.
There are photos of Donnie and his family, wife Judy and kids here are Rhiana and Alicia. Sarah Christine is seated with Nonna. Susie is the one with the green shirt and black hat.


Gladiatorem said...

Ciao Nonna!!! tanti auguri e buon compleanno.

Paul, Isabella is beautiful!

My wife is expecting a new Caterisano in november (female) her name will be "Tea" (as Tea Leoni not as the English "at five" beverage)

ceck our photos on flick'r:

and our videos on YouTube.

Member of the Caterisano Family said...

Thank you for this information, Pasquale. We'll check out your links, but you should add them to this blog as well. I'll send you the information to do that. - Katerina